材料比例 油5:蠟1

5g x 24瓶 = 120g (油 5/6=100g ; 蠟 1/6 = 20g)

添加物 (例如桂花精油) 120g x 3% = 3.6g

1. 基底油 100g + 蜜蠟 20g → 放入 "燒杯" 隔水加熱,用竹筷攪拌溫熱即可關火繼續攪拌至完全溶化 ,不能太高溫會破壞材質
2. 添加 3% 桂花精油,攪拌


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材料比例: 油4:蠟1

5g x 24瓶 = 120g (油 4/5=96g ; 蠟 1/5g=24g)
添加物 (例如玫瑰精油) 120g x 1% = 1.2g

1. 基底油 96g + 蜜蠟 24g → 放入 "燒杯" 隔水加熱,用竹筷攪拌溫熱即可關火繼續攪拌至完全溶化 ,不能太高溫會破壞材質。
2. 添加 1% 玫瑰精油,再攪拌
3. 微涼,倒入瓶罐。
4. 貼上貼紙 ( 名片的 1/2 大小 ) ,再套入膠膜包裝完成。

基底油: 乳油木果脂、甜杏仁油、純酪梨油、小麥胚芽油、荷荷芭油、純維他命E油......護唇膏建議使用4種以上基礎油製作。

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蜜蠟5 cc ,乳油木10 cc,苦茶油15 cc  ,




轉自: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/joy646450/article?mid=4494&prev=4519&next=4488&l=f&fid=6

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本文引用自peggy0713 - 分享多功能模具七種渲染玩法

渲染手法百百種..分鍋調色的時機點很重要 請在light trace狀態就要開始調色..顏色的選擇也很重要 不要太雜 Peggy老是會打出髒髒色 吼.. 這方面我也是要多多練習 多學前輩..

以下跟大家分享七種多功能模具的玩法給大家參考 有興趣的皂友可以玩玩看喔..~創意無限..隨意畫也會有驚喜出現..歡迎大家一起腦力激盪 做出更有變化的皂寶寶呦~ 


以上是阿曼達老師的作品 感謝阿曼達老師大方分享



以上是新竹皂友會管理員 球球的作品   

參考文章: http://peggy0713.pixnet.net/blog/post/25891146 


以上是Peggy跟球在撘車時聊天想出來的畫法(中毒太深 搭車也要想打皂)  直線玩過就想玩音符 音符之後就想繞圈圈 呵.. 

紫色迷情 http://peggy0713.pixnet.net/blog/post/25433619

紫草螺旋夢幻皂 http://peggy0713.pixnet.net/blog/post/25791270

Geo大師新書上面有很多畫法可以參考.. 大家還可以寫寫自己的名子玩變化喔~

秋 冬將近 保溫很重要喔 畢竟渲染是在light trace之下操作 保溫請大家一定要做好 可以買熱水袋輔助 也可以用鋼杯裝熱水包保鮮膜放保溫箱內 讓溫度持續在保溫箱內發燒進而幫助皂化. 或者 像Peggy計畫秋冬都打母奶皂..因為鮮奶皂不但滋潤 重點是不用保溫又好脫模




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Time to Come Clean

March 7th, 2011 by http://mossymossy.com/?p=270

Soap at sinkTime to come clean.  And nothing does the trick better than a handmade soap bar wrapped in softly spun and felted natural wool.  Upon completion of this practical project, you will have a novel and crafty washcloth/soap combo guaranteed to tempt even the most stubborn grimy kid into a tub.  In fact, you and your crafty little team will be inclined to make oodles of these for deserving friends, dedicated teachers, or for yourself—yes, even you are entitled to a complete body exfoliation with relaxing aromatic organically-derived essential oils and spicy touch-of-citrus scent to draw out impurities, replace minerals, improve circulation, and ahhh!  getting carried away….

Point being, you might consider keeping one for yourself.

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February 1979; Updated February 3, 1995

Ordinary soap is solely made up of fats and an alkali. In the past, people made their own soap from animal fats and wood ashes.

Today there are very few true soaps in the traditional sense on the market. You might recognize these soaps as products marketed with characteristics such as "pure." "True" soaps are regulated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission, not FDA, and do not require ingredient labeling.

Most body cleansers on the market today are actually synthetic detergent products and come under the jurisdiction of FDA. These detergent cleansers are popular because they make suds easily in water and don't form gummy deposits. Some of these detergent products are actually marketed as "soap" but are not true soap in the common and legal definition of the word.

If a cosmetic claim is made on the label of a "true" soap or cleanser, such as moisturizing or deodorizing, the product must meet all FDA requirements for a cosmetic, and the label must list all ingredients. If a drug claim is made on a cleanser or soap, such as antibacterial, antiperspirant, or anti acne, the product is a drug, and the label must list all active ingredients, as is required for all drug products.

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from http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/soapglossary/a/soaplabeling.htm

If you're like me, you started making soap for yourself. Then you started making so much of it, that you started giving it away to your friends and family. They were so delighted with it that they said, "You oughta sell this! Where can I get more?"

...and a business was born.

So now that you're making soap for sale, there are a few basic things you need to know to keep you in compliance with the industry standard required practices.

Note: Marie Gale covers labeling requirements for soaps and other toiletries in her fabulous book Soap and Cosmetic Labeling - but the requirements are much more complicated for toiletries (lotions & creams etc.) than for soap.)

Labeling Requirements for Soap
Now, we're just going to be talking about soap here...not cosmetics. For your soap to be viewed as soap in the eyes of the governmental labeling laws, your soap must be real soap - made primarily of oils and lye...and it must not make any cosmetic claims like "moisturizing", "exfoliating", or "deodorizing" - it just has to be soap...that cleans. This includes melt and pour soap bases too, as long as they are real soap, made primarily with oils and lye.

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本文引用自mylifestyle - 大掃除必學!自製無毒清潔劑【Lifeel用手機看收納】

生活中可以用來當作清潔劑的廢棄食材實在是太多了,像是許多蔬果皮就能用在清潔用 途上,而這些廢棄食材能當作清潔劑的原因,不外乎就是蔬果皮當中的一些成分帶有清潔效果,或是利用廢棄品的摩擦力等物理性質,下回當要丟棄這些東西時,別 忘了要再利用一下,讓廢棄物也能發揮最大的價值。(文/陳安祺 攝影/陳熙倫 來源/本文出自完全不累收納Play No. 36)

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引用自: http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/nio_company/article?mid=4982&next=4167&l=f&fid=65



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