
寵物 (1)
生活 Life (3)
吃吃喝喝 (1)
手工皂 Handmade Soaps (6)
保養品 Skincare (4)
香療 Aromatherapy (1)
橡皮印章 Stamp Making (2)
Craft Inspirations
- Colour Lovers - pallettes and pallettes of colors for references
- Renegade Craft: Craft Fairs info in different cities
- Craftzine.com - Projects, Community, Shop
- Creature Comforts - diy projects, inspirations, style, freebies
- Make: Craft Tutorials
- Free People - a place for fine ideas
- Design Sponge
- Naiad Soap Arts - Blog
- Tartelette - food inspirations
- rikrak studio
- 生活態DO手創館-手工皂 保養品材料、手工皂材料、面膜土、蠟燭批發零售
- 順億化工 - BLOG: 手工皂材料,手工香皂教學,化工原料批發
- Peggy's 手工皂, 模, 教學指導
- Peggy's 手工皂材料
- age.Zz - 一些手工皂知識
- Angelmama - 很漂亮的皂. 有教學!!!
- 信韓香之舞Fancy Melon - 原料販售也有課
- 皂相 - 手工香皂製造及販賣各種面相分享皂相
- BANI House幸福手作 - 有賣原料及開課
- A*Kang's
- 貓咪走路經典手工香皂坊 - 石彥豪老師
- 花蓮姐的網站 - 可問問題, 有皂方及說明
- 小銀杏的塑皂生活
- 不伏老箚記
- a.fang 芳之戀.手工坊
- 格子的幸福手皂屋
- 皂亭子手工皂
- 艾達皂房
- 美國的小米的泡泡屋
- Maggie Wang 多倫多的雪
- 皂漾.生活 MyDeco-幸福手工皂
- 珍的皂坊 (捏麵人般的皂)
- 轉角的天空
- 香草工房
- 糖亞手工皂概念館
- 凱絲樂活美學 (1)
- 凱絲樂活美學 (2)
- 法鉑馬賽香皂
- 娜娜媽皂花園
- 喇皂喬叔
- 陳彥手工皂
- 皂愛矽膠模
- 木木小姐的手工肥皂
- 皂霏姬.娜緹
- 小百合幸福雜貨
Handmade Soaps
- Saponifier Magazine
- The Nova Studio - great classes and boot camps!!!!
- About.com : Candle & Soap Making
- Candle and Soap Making forum! - About.com
- Go Planet Earth - Soap Making & Packaging Products
- Soapy Love - Shop
- Soapy Love - Blog
- Jody's Soap & Creations
- Brambleberry - soap supplies
- Essential Wholesale - ingredient wholesale & business related info
- Wholesale Supplies Plus
- Wholesale Supplies Plus - blog
- Soap Making Recipes, Tips and Tutorials & The Teach Soap Forum
- Soap Making Forum
- Handmade Soap Coach - Blog
- Otion The Soap Making Bar
- The Soap Kitchen
- Super Simple Soaps
- Naiad Soap Arts
- Etta + Billie
- WisalyaBathShop
- Sirona Springs Handmade Soap
- Sunbasilgarden
- Hello Crafty
- The Soap Box Co.
- The Soap Bar
- The Art of Soap
- The Soap Seduction
- Anita。Love。Amber
- Soap by Nature
- Soap Qeen
- Rebecca's Soap Deli News